Utilizing the same 8 gap statement strategies along with the new resource GrantForward, I was able to tackle the next assignment, create a fake proposal directed towards an opportunity found in GrantForward
My dedication to unearthing the complete and raw history of the African American experience within our country reaches no bounds. I am willing to take the initiative and explore areas that typical historians do not believe will provide substantial information about this cause. Many believe that the African American experience has strong roots in the east side of America, even though this is most definitely true it is nowhere close to the complete picture. For those who raise the argument that the east is where African American culture is centralized, I’d argue for them to look at the growing demographics of every state in America around the end of the 19th century. The slow and steady influx of African Americans in westward states creates many stories and accounts that haven’t been brought to light. Historians mainly focus on the migration of African Americans northwards as it is the most prominent; what about the struggles and accounts of those who went westward? How have the few ethnic pockets of African American people scattered in the west come to be? Did they face as much prosecution as their contemporaries? Did they find more success within the very much divided America? There is clearly much information about the complete African American experience however there are few who have the drive to do the dirty work of digging for information that seems to be very much like a needle in a haystack. I wish to determine if there is a correlation between the westward influx of African Americans and their experiences, in addition to how this may contrast with African Americans located in the east.
By being accepted into this internship opportunity, I will be able to take a large, and necessary step forward to doing what should have been an area of study for a long time. To obtain the answer to my research question I will first create a data compilation of all known routes and documented African American individuals that are located west of the Appalachian mountains. Then using this information I will pinpoint any areas of interest such as areas with a relatively high amount of African Americans and create a personal route following known paths taken by people who moved westwards and collect various information. This includes any structures and evidence of habitation along the way, as well as interviews with potential enduring family lines who could provide information about their ancestors. Using this method I believe I can unearth many untold accounts of the complete African American experience. Then I would compare it with the experiences and accounts of the African Americans who remained in the east. By compiling a list of accounts and their personal experiences, I can provide a direct contrast with my research. This will aid in completing a lost and substantial part of our history.